Useless Subs Cheap Domination Phone Chat
Of course Mistress knows that you’re all useless subs!
So to be honest I find that there’s rarely a sub that I can rely on for anything! Because all you submissive males actually seem to enjoy being useless subs -that’s the truth of it, admit it, wankers! By and large I find that most subs are just humiliation fodder. In fact the more you humiliate a sub the more useless they become. Indeed, Mistress sees that this becomes a real self fulfilling prophesy. However no matter how much HUMILIATION is dispensed I know that you subs will keep coming back for more!!
However much Useless Subs deny that they are useless one thing is unalterable -you can never prove to Mistress that you are of any significant use! While subs may plead over the phone to their Mistresses to be treated fairly, few superior women are going to pay that any attention! Although subs may tell Mistress that they are always there to serve, to lick feet and heels that’s the most that they are capable of! However pathetic it may seem I will always CRUELLY HUMILIATE any whimpering snivelling sub!
Since you’re all pathetic, useless subs you know what’s coming next!
So get on your knees and hang that head in shame, useless!! In fact you are totally unsuitable to serve Mistress, mostly because you’re obsessed with that slimy slug between your legs! When I talk to subs sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry -they are so pitiful and pathetic! But I know that only a good dose of humiliation will hit the spot! Basically I cannot fail to take the piss out of you useless apologies for men!
As I have said you useless subs are all beyond redemption and all you can do is to try to serve me -but I’ll not hold by breath! All things considered its good that you can talk on a very cheap chat line -every cloud has a silver lining and all that. The longer you chat the more time I have to rub your noses in the mess you’ve made of your lives!